531.60p +1.49%

Market cap: 1.85b
Enterprise Value: 1.60b
Revenue: 1.95b

Key Growth and Value Ratios

PE Ratio 5.6
PEG Ratio0.9
EPS Growth6.9%
Dividend Yield5.93%
Return on Capital16.1%
Return on Equity14.9%
Current ratio3.44
Asset turnover0.67
Stock turnover0.59
Price to book value0.95
Price to free cash flow5.0

Redrow Homes Analysis

Redrows price to earnings ratio is currently 5.6. Price to earnings (P/E) ratio is a measure of how much investors are paying for each pound of that company’s earnings.

A higher price to earnings ratio means that investors are paying more for each pound of the company’s earnings. This could be because Redrow is growing quickly and is expected to continue doing so, or it could be because the Redrow is seen as being more risky.

A lower price to earnings ratio means that investors are paying less for each pound of the Redrows earnings. This could be because the company is not growing as quickly as others, or it could be because the company is seen as being less risky.

Redrow has a very strong p/e ratio.

Redrow has a strong ROCE of 16.1%. This measures how much profit Redrow earns relative to the amount of capital it has invested. Redrows 16.1% ROCE indicates that they are generating strong profits from its invested capital.

In summary Redrow are a strong buy because:

  • Redrow are generating profits (Return on Assets)
  • Redrow are generating cash
  • It’s more profitable than last year
  • Long term debt is stable
  • Redrow has no problem paying short term debts
  • The demand for (affordable) housing is still very strong

Company Overview

Redrow Homes are an established developer of new homes in the UK. Founded in 1974, they have over 40 years of experience in the industry and over 50 major developments to thier name. Redrow Homes are a family-owned business, and they pride themselves on their quality and craftsmanship.

Redrow Homes build a wide range of properties, from affordable starter homes to luxurious executive properties.

They also have a range of specialist homes, such as retirement homes and holiday homes.

Redrow Homes are always looking for new opportunities to develop their business, and they are always expanding their range of properties. They are committed to providing high-quality homes that meet the needs of their customers, and they are always looking for ways to improve their homes and their service levels.

Key info:

Ex dividend date: Feb 24 2022
Payment date: April 8 2022
Employees: 2209
Last annual report: June 27 2021

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